Wet Wipes And Wine
Welcome to Wet Wipes and Wine where we aim to laugh, learn, and navigate parenthood with humor! Join Nikki Collinson-Phenix and her fellow parent guests for some fun relatable stories, witty banter, and expert insights.
Enjoy family banter in Uncorked, the special feature family episodes where you can get some insights into Phenix family life!
From toddler tales to teen triumphs, we've got it all.
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Real-life parenting, real-life laughs. Dive into the ups and downs of parenting life with us and share the laughs in the knowledge you are not alone!
Become a 'Winer' and hang out with us for a weekly dose of parenting fun. We will bring you funny stories, parenting hacks, real life parenting stories and fun learning all from a place of #keepingitreal
So pour a glass, or maybe grab a coffee and subscribe now to your weekly dose of parenting entertainment!
Wet Wipes And Wine
#1 Welcome To Wet Wipes and Wine!
Welcome to Wet Wipes and Wine - The Podcast! A new and exciting podcast brought to you from top 1% podcaster Nikki Collinson-Phenix, wife, mum, author, speaker, restless entrepreneur, and freedom-filled adventure seeker!
Travelling full time with her family, follow the adventures of travel, family, and mum life as well as inspiring guest appearances too!
With episodes mixed with fun, banter, inspiration, and #reallife, you can expect a chuckle or two along with a few 'i hear ya' moments!
In this episode Nikki shares a bit about the journey to bringing this podcast to life, a bit about her journey so far, and what you can expect from this awesome new podcast!
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Remote Solutions - Where Nikki helps others create extraordinary lives
Global Trailblazing - Nikki's amazing global kids club and kids social network!
Africa Childrens Development Trust - Nikki's bit of good in the world #givingback
02.206) Hey and welcome to the trailer first episode kind of intro oh they call it all sorts of different names now well number one first time first actual recording of a brand new podcast called wet wipes and wine now I'd love to say that this is actually the first recording of this intro episode the fact is it's not if I think it's possibly about the fifth time I have recorded this first episode and I don't mean that in a sense of like, like seriously, I am actually a recovering perfectionist. So the thought that I've just sat here and pressed record five times in the last 30 minutes in a previous life would have been really possible. Actually, I'm talking about five times in the last almost 12 months. I have recorded this intro episode. thinking it was gonna be the intro episode that actually went out live, and each time the podcast didn't go live. And so this one, this one is sticking because this is the one that's gonna go out. Now, why are you saying why? Why the hell have you been wasting the time launching this podcast? And the thing is, it wasn't wasting time. It's the fact that every time I was planning for this podcast to launch, life threw a bloody curveball in or something else just came in and just put this on the back burner. Now come on I'm a parent, I am a business owner, I'm a bit of a restless entrepreneur, you guys who are listening are likely to fit one of those categories and you know that even with the best will in the world sometimes what you plan and what ends up transpiring as reality is completely different things. And that's basically why I have recorded this intro. This is I think the fifth recording to get to the place where this podcast is launching and this is the one now. Also, if you've been in my world a long time, you will know that one of my main mantras in life is imperfect action is better than perfect inaction and for things to be
Nikki Collinson-Phenix (02:24.334) perfectly imperfect and that stems from the fact that as Somebody who spent many years as a perfectionist Realizing just how much one it held me back and two it stressed the shit out of me trying to seek an unattainable perfection in everything I was trying to do I've done a lot of work on that. I've done a lot of work on that. I am a recovering perfectionist and it means that when I'm doing stuff, I'm having to really tell myself now Nikki is good enough. It's good enough. It's good enough. But those previous times when I was prepping to launch life did just chuck curveballs in and So this podcast coming together now is very much perfectly imperfect, but you know what? I am so very happy to be here and so very happy to be looking ahead right now and saying the path is clear, tea bring wet wipes and wine to life. So if you've been with me on my previous podcast journeys which were all business podcast related stuff, welcome to the new podcast. we will be doing a little bit of you know I'm sure there's going to be some business stuff coming in because I'm going to have people coming in you know may talk about business stuff or things that may help you as a parent but first and foremost this podcast is an opportunity for me to sit here not as a business person but as a mum and as a parent and as a woman who is navigating the early days of the menopause and navigating the challenges of a child who's prepubescent and driving us all crazy, of a son who is just an accident waiting to happen, and of a life where we are traveling full-time, where we have broken from the norm, where we're having a bit of an adventure, we're not getting it all right, we're doing epic
Nikki Collinson-Phenix (04:29.678) parenting fails, I'm sure on a more regular basis than we even realize. And a place where I can just be Nikki, the mom and woman who cocks things up sometimes, who is living a perfectly imperfect life. And a place where I can just be that person, not the person who is, you know, the person is meant to have all the answers in this role. as Nikki, the parents, I do not have all the answers. I've got some, I've got my views, I've got my opinions on things. And I've also made a shit lot of mistakes in my life too, of which, as we say, we all learn from them. So, wet wipes and wine is kind of like the summary of my life, really. It either involves cleaning up behind kids with a pack of wet wipes. I mean, seriously, my kids... six and twelve I still have to make sure I've got a pack of wet wipes nearby. Is there no one else's kids just still freaking messy? I mean seriously I still well I guess mainly Rafe. Wet wipes are still big on my list. Have I always got a pack of wet wipes in my bag? Yes I do. It wasn't something that's just baby time. It happens now. Do I still enjoy a regular glass of wine? Yes. Is my glass slightly bigger than the average wine unit measurement of a glass of wine? Oh hell yeah, it's bordering on a bucket. So yeah, wet wipes and wine, they're kind of how my life goes. As a parent, it involves wet wipes. As a parent, a mom, a wife, someone just trying to do her best, it seriously does involve wine. and this is no, you know, I'm not here to be an advocate for alcohol, I'm just keeping it real, this is my life. What I will say though is currently I'm recording this in Bulgaria. If you've never tried Bulgarian wine, like I used to drink Bulgarian wine in the UK and it's really good. It was up there in my faves of the wine I used to drink in the UK. But seriously, when you
Nikki Collinson-Phenix (06:52.482) buy that wine in Bulgaria it's so cheap. I mean these days I can get a box, a five litre box of Bulgarian wine and when it's on sale, which this particular one that I actually quite like is on sale, I can get five litres for five euros. Four quid. I mean seriously it's amazing. And um... And yeah, and you know, I don't have an alcohol problem. I just want to actually put that out there. But I do like a glass of wine at the weekends, or, you know, if I've just had a fairly stressful day, that is one of my little treats of a little wind down. So yeah, Wet Wipes and Wine, that is where the name came from. And I'm really, really excited to be here and to finally have this show live. And I'm really hoping that you guys, listeners are gonna get involved and be part of this show. I've got some lovely guests lined up to come on. I've also, we've been recording episodes already so I've got lovely people ahead. I've got more people to record coming up ahead. I've got some really wonderful episodes, some that are a little bit educational, some that are a bit inspiring, some that are really, really heart-led and if you are Coming to this podcast at the very beginning when it's just being launched, it is one of my most really powerful episodes is going to be coming early on soon. And I really hope that you're going to be around and stick around to support the show. I'm going to do my very, very best to keep the episodes around 30 minutes. That's my intention. I'm sure I'll cock that up somewhere along the line, but I'm going to intend to do that. going to intend to do that. And if you have any people that you think you would be a really great fit to come on that show, tell me about them. Drop me an email, send me a message, connect with me, whatever, let me know. If you think you want to come on this show and hang out with me, let me know about that too. If there's any topics you want to discuss, you think, oh this would be a really great topic, that would be cool, let me know. At the moment you're gonna hear from me sometimes.
Nikki Collinson-Phenix (09:11.454) Sometimes you're gonna hear from me and the hubby. We're gonna do some joint shows as well. The kids wanna come on the show. God knows what the hell Rafe's gonna say, out of the mouths of babes and all that. But we'll see, keeping it real and all that. I wonder what he's got to say to you. It will probably be something to do with poo, or farts, or bumholes, or some other gross stuff that six-year-old boys talk about. or maybe just his Winkle, I mean god anyone else relating? Young boys what the hell is the whole bum poo willy constant talk about so yeah brace yourself for that one and yeah and then also just some really amazing guests coming in these are guests who are maybe doing some really cool stuff in the parenting space or just our parents who have just got some stuff we you know we're going talk about those parenting joys and the parenting fails and all the stuff and I, maybe you might learn something, maybe you might just be entertained or maybe you might just go, hell yeah, I am hearing you and just help you feel not alone in this parenting struggle. You know like that thing, I don't know if it happens to you, like you're in the bubble of your life as a parent and you seem to just think, everybody else's friggin life is clearly perfect and I am the only one with insane children or a husband that is or partner who is messy as hell or whatever I'm the only one that is going through this and then you go in the supermarket or you walk across the car park or something and you hear another family that are having exactly the same discussion with their kids and you have that little moment when you're like oh thank god it's not me it's not just me it's everywhere and you have to have that little reality check that says this shit that's going on is going on everywhere it's going on everywhere and i kind of want that for here as well is to sit there and be able to just say do you know what um you're not alone on this journey and hope that this
Nikki Collinson-Phenix (11:31.466) wet wipes and wine. We'll just give you 30 minutes a week where you just either listen in the car or you just stick the kettle on or whatever but you just come and hang out with me for half an hour and just feel like you've got a parenting kindred spirit like right there cheering you on to say do you know what we will regularly cock this up. it's okay. We are all just trying to do our best in this whole parenting space. In whatever way works for us we are all just doing our best. And if all else fails there is wet wipes and there is wine or coffee or tea, water, juice, whatever it is there's always something, whatever is the thing that makes you just go It's there, use it, don't be a hero, don't be a hero. Right, welcome to Wet Wipes and Wine, the podcast. I'm gonna check out, this is officially episode one. It doesn't really feel like a trailer, it feels more like an intro episode. We're gonna call it the intro, maybe I'll change my mind after that. Who knows, whatever it's listed at, that is what I called it in the end. If you have anything that you want to, you know, connect with me, then please do come and find me. You will find me on Instagram at I am Nikki. That's N-I-K-K-I underscore. No, it's at I am Nikki. N-I-K-K-I C underscore P Nikki CP Nikki Collins and Phoenix. Find me on Instagram or you can find me over on Facebook. at Nicky, Collins & Phoenix. Come and say hi and let me know that you're listening. Alright, I'm gonna go. I'm gonna let you crack on, watch some of the other, watch the episodes. You might be able to watch some of the episodes at some point. I do intend to put the recordings on YouTube and it will happen. I'm recording the videos to go on YouTube. I have got the YouTube channel. That will come. That will come at some point. Listen, Perfectly Imperfect and all that. Let's just start with the basics.
Nikki Collinson-Phenix (13:46.326) Let's get the audio bit. So come and listen with me, come and hang out with me. It will be an absolute honor and a pleasure to bring you a little bit of entertaining, inspiration, educating, hang out, I don't know, gal pal, parents together, hashtag keeping it real, all of that, every week, your direction. All right, have a lovely rest of the day, wherever you are in the world, and. I'm going to be seeing you on the next episode. Take care, bye.